What you’ve been seeking.

This is true spiritual growth, creating true change in your life.

Initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon is the start of the life your soul has been desiring.

These Holy teachings, rituals and ceremonies have been hidden from the public, only made available to all for the last 27 years.

This is the same lineage that Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla and Winston Churchill were initiates of.

What you will receive.

  • 10 times the Light to create the life you dream of

  • 6 rituals to protect and enhance your energy

  • An ancient initiation ceremony

  • Teachings to better understand your purpose and why you’re here

  • Be an initiate in the Lineage of King Salomon

“Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy.”

— Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon