Quit Psychedelics Because Magick with Paige Farrin
Paige Farrin, a fellow 2nd Step Ritual Master tells her wild stories of the Unbelievable Results of bringing Magick into her life. She's been an authority in the field of psychedelics. In this episode, Paige shares about why she has let go of psychedelics all together, as she has found something much more powerful. Magick. Through the teachings, healings, and initiations offered with the Modern Mystery School, she has experienced miracles. Hear about how her PTSD completely healed after Galactic Activation 1. An epic episode throughout!
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Episode Transcript
Seth Pearson 0:00
All right. Paige! Here we are!
the first Love Amped podcast episode in well over a year Love Amped podcast is back, my friends. It's very exciting. Paige how does it feel to be a part of the first podcast in a long time?
Paige Farrin 0:19
Very good. Thank you for having me. I'm excited.
Seth Pearson 0:23
Awesome. So
a brief background into why we have Paige on here today is that I recently made a post on Instagram and Facebook, about the reason why I quit psychedelics. And part of the reason and the part of that story is attending a class called Galactic Activation one through the Modern Mystery School and receiving a healing modality session called the Full Spirit Activation. And now there is a lot kind of behind those experiences. But I want to give some context as to why then Paige commented on that post and said, Oh, my gosh, I used to be so deep in the psychedelic game, and also had breakthrough experiences to the Galactic Activation that were not experienced at all, like through psychedelics, like could not have been done. So Paige, tell me, how did this all come to be? And give us a little background here?
Paige Farrin 0:23
Yeah, so
pretty much I had found psychedelics in my search for actually to healing from PTSD, which I had been struggling with for about 10 to 15 years at the time. And I tried everything. More traditional therapy meds, and none of that worked. And so I ended up getting kind of drawn into the psychedelic community. And you know, at first I had gone to a symposium that Rick Doblin from Maps was talking about for the MDMA therapy, which is amazing, and like the breakthrough treatment, right. And I did end up doing that, and it helped a little bit. And I got, I got further and further into the psychedelic community and treatment for many years, and it helped somewhat here and there. And then I had spent some time in the Midwest training with not only just the psychedelic therapy, but different, like Native American healers, and Siberian healers and things and started to really open up my world to alternative types of healing. And I moved back to Boston in 2018. No 2015 At that time, and I had kind of put out to the universe like help me find people in Boston that are doing this type of healing work. I need more of this, like some there's some things in the alternative world is works that I knew more of. And literally the next day, I saw a flyer from my now guide, Alex Bynum. That was for like a Life Activation and something in my soul was just like that. I'm like, You need that you need nose, woman you need to go. And so then I met her in 2015. A few months later, in 2016, I received what was called a Life Activation. And I, you know, I am trained in engineering, traditionally, I saw back in school now going back to engineering school. And so I was like, What's this like, Life Activation thing, like, I don't know, my soul, just like we need to get we need to do this. So I said, Sure. And that was the first breakthrough for me and like, profoundly changing my life. I had struggled up to that point with homelessness, and like trauma and food scarcity for most of my life. And literally, the day I got that Life Activation, my life kind of shredded and rebuilt in two weeks. And all of a sudden, I went from living in one of most dangerous parts of the city, and an extremely toxic relationship to and like borderline homeless again, and backspace eviction, to two weeks later, living the nicest part of city I've ever lived in the most amazing place I've ever lived safe, and I have not been homeless or starving since. So for me, I was like, Okay, I've been working on these issues, adamantly for years and had not been able to break them. And then I was like, hey, there's something here. I'm proceeded to like kind of keep going with these classes and these healings and was like some, you know, and then mind you, I'm still heavily into psychedelic community heavily into I'm like, leading friends and many people are coming to me to lead psychedelic trips and to go into trauma work. And I was pretty involved in the research aspect of it and the community. And I kind of kept fighting the, like, different lineages I've worked in, we're heavily into medicine and humbly not both sides. And I was pretty adamantly for psychedelics and I'm like, but look at the research but looking at all these things. Mind you, it's really taxing on my body. I've also done a WASPA I've done like many plant medicines. There was always a cost to it, however, oh my body And then I went back and forth with my guide on like, you know, plant medicines are good thing, everything whatnot and to push back and then same in 28. So in 2018, I did the Empower thyself class. And that was no big huge changing point of my entire life of like really cutting out it just kind of naturally pushed out what was no longer working in my life and brought in really good things. A few months later, I just had this they were offering this thing called a Galactic Activation in Boston. And I was like, something my soul was like, You need to go, you need to go you need to figure out how to do it. You need to get there no matter what you need this. And I went I I manifest the money out of nowhere and I was like, I'm flying back to Boston. I'm going to do this. And my at that point, too. I was so heavily into cannabis. I had my medical card I was you know, very adamantly for all that started an edibles business for medical people and was making my own Yeah. And I, I flew back to this class. And it was a two day class. It was kind of really weird. Um, and I remember the instructor Martina was talking about how you know, we hold all these, like things in our mind always like shelve their mind, we're holding all this stuff and carrying around and appointment PTSD was like, pretty good, but even on the best days, I've still like, viewing my entire life through this film of my trauma. It was constantly almost like I was wearing glasses it was causing playing in front of me no matter what. And so when she said that, I was like, Yeah, okay, whatever, like the try that you were receiving, you name it the EMDR therapy. psychedelics.
Seth Pearson 6:45
Yes, all these things!
Paige Farrin 6:47
Nothing has ever done that so like yeah, okay, I literally laughed I was like, I kid you not. So the very Galactic Activation so the last day of class, you go on you lay down and you like integrate and I like knocked out I was hard to sleep to point I was like for like a half an hour and a half. I woke up an hour later like, you like what just happened to me? Like cry. And then I literally woke up the next morning, my PJs is gone. Gone. I have it's been three years it's it hasn't come back. I haven't had a flashback. And for years. I used to have flashbacks hundreds a day. And I have nightmares every single night since I was three years old gone. i It's it I was that really blew my mind and only that I couldn't smoke weed didn't work the next day after I tried. And one Halloween I was hyper 10 days, that day. And it was no longer enjoyable. It was I hate it. I've been smoking I just smoking or eating edibles or consuming cannabis around the clock for 10 years, I had no tolerance, I wasn't like to within the very next day. I couldn't I couldn't smoke anymore. So at that point, I pretty much immediately got sober. And I mean, I was using cannabis on these plant medicines to try to cope with my PTSD. I was it was always from a healing mindset. It was always from like, how do I heal this this trauma? How do I how to live a healthy life. And I had been skeptical about Mystery School honestly, until Galactic Activation, then I was like, okay, okay, then I need to actually commit to whatever this is because this is I've never experienced anything, and I bang on doors across the country and world to find it. So that's how I
Seth Pearson 8:33
how I came to that. Oh,
boy bomb drop of experience, the amount of authority that you had in that field
is huge, like, gigantic,
like we're talking about working with the cream of the crop the tip of the top of people and researchers doing this thing for like probably over like 2030 Maybe like 40 years in a way. And this is these experiences Live Activation and Empower Thyself Galactic Activation, all the other things in between.
There's nothing else like that out there. No. And it
Paige Farrin 9:16
doesn't tax your body the same way like I didn't have to recover for a week after. Like.
Seth Pearson 9:21
Exactly, exactly it. It's almost like the integration that happens versus like, I know for myself when I used to come back from Iosco experiences or people that I would see in my life like sometimes it's like, well, how do I even life now? Like? It's like, now it's like oh, the things just start coming into place? Of course. There's like how do I how do I now create the life that I have what I know about myself now and who I am now leaning forward, it's more of like a alright the adventure begins versus like, Oh no, but I just I need to do but now I can't three hours a day like But it's
Paige Farrin 10:03
like, that's very much what it feels like.
Seth Pearson 10:05
Yes, exactly. And it's so funny that, I'm guessing. So as you were saying, though, you would probably have some pushback from the people that you knew or community that you were like, I'm doing this thing now. I'm kind of I'm thinking I'm gonna let go the psychedelics or maybe even before that, like, oh, well, yeah, well, what is that? I don't even know, I don't know what that is. And then there's like this stuckness in the like, the doubt and the questioning and the skepticism that I guess then they kind of like?
Paige Farrin 10:36
Yeah, I definitely. I mean, but to be fair, I did that. To be fair, I was at same person. i When when, you know, when I was shown these healing modalities that was very like, oh, but like, we just the worst thing that you could do for yourself spiritually. I'm like, What do you say that like the sciences, science that, but until you actually experience profound healing without those substances, it's, it's a lot. I mean, that's the whole lineage of a mystery school is about experience. And until I finally actually experienced it, I was like, oh, that's what you meant. And I remember actually, like, when I had gotten accepted, actually into healers Academy, after that, I was, I hadn't smoked in quite a while. And I was like, you know, like, I'm just having a celebratory dab. And that was, that was I was done after that. He was I did, and I remember my guy talking to me about how like, the substances create holes in your aura, essentially. And it really opens you up to let, and you're always there to protect you and support you. But let me put holes in it, you open up energy, you're these holes or energies, that energies can come in. And when I did that, I was finally at the point where I would like actually experience what she was saying. And I was like, Oh, this is terrible. Actually, this is, this is actually not what I want. And I really, like experienced what that was like to feel that those holes in in the opening I was having in myself in a way that was not healthy or beneficial to me.
Seth Pearson 12:08
Right? How did that how did that then manifest in like, the external world? Like when you would you would see that you're like, I mean, of course, there's the energetic component, but like, how it's like, what would a someone that looked at page and saw like, dang, okay, so that's what she means by holding the aura Holy smokes.
Paige Farrin 12:26
Yeah, I mean, like, I would,
when I would have this experience, I let people and circumstances into my life that were where I was, like, NF would fall back and panic, like, Oh, that's not, oh, I don't actually have to be like this or experienced this life this way, don't have to actually entertain these kinds of relationships or these kinds of experiences anymore. And it really does, like, um, and also feel it physically. Like when you open your up, you hit get hit, like in a physical way, too. I guess that's, I guess.
Seth Pearson 12:57
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. No, that's a beautiful way of saying it's like showing how it's like it. It's like some someone that hears like, okay, yeah, like negative energies can kind of kind of start coming in your field. It's like, oh, that can be literally people, certain experiences that's like, that might someone might say, oh, about that. Maybe that's just a coincidence. But it's like, what's experienced? He, there's the, you know, again, this, this doubt that, that is totally normal. It's like, when I when I talked about the doubt that like, the people in your community must have had around, you know, you make these changes, like, I want to make sure that I'm saying like, that is normal. And like that, I think if someone is experiencing doubt, someone even listening or watching this right now, experiencing some doubt that this is real, like, I want to make sure that you guys know that that's like, normal and okay, and part of the process of like, basically letting you know, magic just be in your life. Like it's, it makes sense. It's okay. Like, that's, that's why we do these podcasts. That's why I make all these posts is saying like, Yo, yeah, these miracles are real. It's okay, if you don't get it right now. But like, here's another opportunity to maybe say it, maybe that might be for me, like maybe that might actually help my life. That's what we're doing. That's why we do this. It's also
Paige Farrin 14:15
just like, it was the opportunity given to me because I was full of doubt around it. I was very sad. Like, I'm from an engineering background. I came from a hard science background. I came from a like, well, Sophia, Let's have someone helping me. Like I'm somewhat better than I used to be like, What do you mean? Like how can you see these are not helpful. And then until until you experience it, and then and the whole point is like, here is opportunities. If you want to experience it, it's something that you can't really wrap your mind around rationally until you experience it. It's like and then it's and then it's kind of like somebody telling you, I don't know, like this, something about there's so many things about this earth that don't make sense until you're like, Well, yeah, until you experience it right. Talking about Rome, like the fruits of it, too. There's so many people that even in the beginning, when I was started talking about these healings I was doing were very skeptical. But when people look at my life now, they're like, people I hadn't seen since since before I found mystery school I've been running into recently. And they're like, Oh, my God, like, what? How, what happened to you? You're like, Oh, no. And then also amazing what's then that's, that's the part. I think you've my family was a little skeptical. And they're like, they don't question at this point. I'm like, Hey, I'm gonna come to these, like healings at the house, like, whatever, like, okay, cool, whatever. Because they're like, clearly at work. Right? Because I'm, my life is not even recognizable from what it was two years ago, even, you know, and I was adamantly working before it wasn't for lack of trying, I was doing everything I could.
Seth Pearson 15:45
Yes, yes. Right. And the desire was there. And you've also pages also that are wonderful. Second Step Initiate Ritual Master in the Lineage of King Solomon. And for you page on kind of like a high level, how is that also improved your life?
Paige Farrin 16:07
Ritual Master has profoundly altered, how I live my life, how is it responsibility in my life, um, and the power I can wield in my life, to be honest, I started Ritual Master Path in June of 2021. So like, a year and a half. Yes. And originally, the first step was a little bit challenging for me, because I really had to face a lot of darkness within myself that I didn't realize I was still carrying around and projecting onto the world around me. And I, once I was able to clear some of that, and really have a push me take responsibility, because with like, they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And you have no power to change anything in your life until you take responds in effect, you have created the life in front of you. And I had to really sit with that and be like, Yeah, I have created this life in front of me. And now what do I want to do? Now that I accept that this is where I am? What where do I want to be? And what action steps do I need to take to get there and really holding that power in a different way? And when you do that, I mean, it's kind of wild. I just did that a year. It was a year and a half ago, because it was like feels like I'm profoundly in a different life and a different way of being and a different level of civility. That I wish everyone was everyone has like an AV as this like, absolutely, yeah, because it's in a way that I felt psychedelics. I didn't turn to psychedelics a lot to destabilize things to break down things. But these cycles, were really destabilizing in a way that I don't, I don't find in this, this lineage can break things down to really rebuild things, but there's always a next level and I don't find I ever go backwards. That's another true and other lineages I worked with like, even I lost the worst profound in some times, but there was always the like, okay, cool. And then you kind of go back and then that you got to kind of keep doing it keep going rate to keep but this when I have healed something, I have a new foundation of solid foundation, then from there, I can keep going and keep going. If that makes sense. Yeah,
Seth Pearson 18:23
absolutely. And so with the Ritual Master Path, being the Warrior Path and Lineage, I don't know if you know, you've had this experience yourself. But in where I kind of come from of course, I also have a background in the mankind project during the new Warrior Training adventure, immense initiation experience. And so this like warrior kind of, like, spark had been infused into me leading up to finding Ritual Master and I have I know a bunch of, you know, coaches and people that are doing their thing that really resonate with the warrior path. They'll be when I've met them, and you know, talk about the Ritual Master Path and all that stuff. There's, again, they're just like, well, I don't see how that would make me a better warrior like they like it's a hard thing to catch on to and what would you say to the people out there that kind of that they feel like connected to that warrior spirit that spiritual warrior that maybe even just like just just the the physical strength of like, they feel like a warrior it's like, why would Ritual Master improve that experience of being a warrior in this life?
Paige Farrin 19:32
Absolutely. Um, okay, so I feel like
Ritual Master Path and Warrior Path is the definitely around first the first step especially I think, and then further on is like dealing with yourself dealing with like the dark within yourself. And I did say say, the best way to deal with the darkness in the world is to darker skinned yourself. And when you really, really face yourself, and and therefore the world, because when you heal yourself, you heal the world. And it really is that micro macro experience, then you have so much more compassion for the world, you have so much more strength in the world, things can't. Things can't get to you the same way. Because we really face those those tower moments of yourself and those dark parts of yourself and and in your life and in your immediate life. And then therefore you can look at, like, oh, wow, I've really been doing that. I've really been doing that. Or like, I've really been putting myself in those situations, or I've really been reading that that chaos over here in here in here. So So of course, how do I can I be mad at the further I'm going to the world doing the same thing? And then when you learn how to have responsibility for I did that. So how do I rectify that? Or how do I change that, then you can have more power and helping other people do that. And therefore spread out and how you have more power in the world. And you it's a warrior from a different place. It's a word of like, real grounded Responsibility for all your actions. It does that make sense?
Seth Pearson 21:04
Beautiful. I mean, that was beautiful. That that was like, Oh my gosh, bravo, bravo. And what would you say to the people that would say to you, well, I already do that? How would this make that even better.
Paige Farrin 21:18
Um, it's really good at showing you the parts you don't think you have, or the things that you can't see. There's, it's really good at like, shining a light, um, like bright, light shard dark in the shadow kind of thing like it that brings in physically brings in a higher vibration of light, that you can sit there and be like, Oh, I've already dealt with those things I have you.
There's, it's like, oh, because I can I've been before if I miss your school, I've been doing deep hard levels of therapy and work on myself and diving as far into myself as I possibly could. And still, I'm there's a moment where I'm like, Oh, I was doing that. You can be upset at the world about things. It's probably something within yourself.
Seth Pearson 22:13
Exactly. Exactly. I love that. I, I love that. I truly believe that. The ritual master path is the greatest, or your training program that exists on the face of the planet. I don't think there is like, I am open to being wrong about that. Like I'm like, Yeah, show me something. Show me anything you can do. But like,
I don't think it's
I think it's gonna be there. And like, I used to be someone that wouldn't even say something like that. I would say like, it's a very powerful thing. I think it's the best that I've found for myself. And it's like, I will still say that about it. But I will also say it's literally the best organ training program in the frickin planet. Like spiritual development. There's no way it's just Oh,
Paige Farrin 22:56
I really, I feel like Mystery School, like the healer path is very much like, I was talking like adults today. And she said, there's kind of like, the hospital for the soul. And I feel like worry about is like bootcamp, like spiritual bootcamp, almost. It's very much like, it's very much. Um, yeah, I don't know, I get I'm very grateful for the ways it's kick my ass. And because it allows me to step up stronger, it allows me to really be to own who I am and own my power in the world and own the god, the god goddess here on the planet. You know? Yeah,
Seth Pearson 23:29
right. Right. Awesome. And, you know, something that I say to people that have, say, seen, like, videos or pictures or whatever posts, by our dear assessment stave, and they don't quite get it at first. They're like, well, I don't What are you talking about that you say? It's so many great things? Like, he's saying things that just I mean, yeah, that that's great. But it's like, I say to them, You have not met a persistent state of until you've seen him speak in person? And why would you say that same thing, Paige.
Paige Farrin 23:59
The energy he holds just being in his presence is almost triggering, but in the most amazing way, because it drops truth and it just it it ripples out through the room. And you're like, it hits you in such a different way. is actually interesting. I started reading his book recently that he just got so good. It's interesting as I'm trying to read this as like, I'm reading sections like I have, it's so great. It's so true. Right? And and then I'm like, how would somebody who's never met this mistake be able to interpret this? Right? Yeah. And the way he because he he's able to weave energy into it that's like really hits those parts of you that just are craving the light, but are also you're you're afraid to look at. And when you actually do turn and look at it's always like, oh, yeah, I really needed that. And oh, there is so much freedom. And then the way that he might say things that are triggering to people or like, oh, yeah, I guess that just makes sense. But like, when you allow yourself to receive it, it's like, oh, that part of my selection really needed that. I needed that light. Thank you. anything, you know?
Seth Pearson 25:01
Yeah. Beautiful love that. I love that. And when. And there's also been some people that it's like why they call themselves obsessed with the leaders in the group? What would you say makes the what's the difference between say, like an obsessive miss or the classic, say in the realm of like the wave guru? Like, what are those differences?
Paige Farrin 25:21
Oh, yeah, um, so I'm in determined persistence means to know oneself. And it's somebody who has really gone to the lengths of truly knowing themselves and truly facing all those aspects of themselves in a way where they can hold space for others to do that too. And push others to do that, too. Versus I feel like a guru is more like, Do what I say. And very like, like, you're supposed to just abandon yourself to listen to what it's like, because ternal person says, and the new age thing is, is is is a lot around that like abandoned who you are, listen to this external thing. And this person tells you to do all these things. But an obsessiveness who knows that oneself is pushing you to listen to you. And they and they're pushing you to explore yourself more and it's actually really annoying, sometimes long path and you're like, just tell me the answer, like and they're like, just always put back on you, and they're never going to disempower you and like, I'm not going to make that decision for you. Here's, here's information, do what you will but here's the poke you and be like, hey, look, I think you're missing something over here. And they'll IT systems will poke you and be like, hey, like, Hidden Hills, look at where the cracks in your, in your foundation are to help you heal those, but it's really around. But what is your listening to learn how to listen to your gut, God is so
Seth Pearson 26:41
beautiful, amazing. So, so true. And when when we look at the the New Age realm, that is truly out there more than I used to even realize like once, it was once I joined the school that I started to hear that term used in like, a negative way, like foot like truly, like in a like, Yo, you got to look out for that new age thing. And I'm like, oh, oh, what, what's going on? And then of course, I realized I'm surrounded by it, like, you know, once I fully accepted like, oh, yeah, oh, that's what I'm sunken in. Like, same. Amazing. And so like, why was it important for you to have the discernment to understand and accept like, New Age teachers? There's a lot of BS. Yeah,
Paige Farrin 27:31
um, a lot of it was spiritual bypassing, I realized there was a lot of that I'm just feel good. Just don't look at this stuff. Just Just do whatever you need you to be positive all the time. And instead of actually facing the real fundamental issues that are going on. And a lot of it too, I think when I want to go back to the Ritual Master 1, and the there's an agreement if you're going to stop on the worry path, because we substance free, and when I got back, and I experienced a great loss at a friend of mine passed right after. And I realized I had to like the entire community that I spent years building that were very into psychedelics and into like, somewhat of like, new age, I don't know if they would call themselves that, but like, New Age kind of healing, um, had to really step away from that and realize, like, because a lot of them to can't be sober. And if you can't face life without the substances, are you really seeing life? Are you really actually addressing these things? And I think there was like a trail off of and I was in the same boat, I was doing the same thing. I was like, Oh, wow. Now I kind of take a step back and be like, if I don't face life, in an unfiltered way, I'm not actually seeing what's in front of me, I can't actually look at the real reality of what I'm dealing with and how I can actually change it. Does that make sense?
Seth Pearson 28:55
Absolutely. Nailed it. Love it. Love it. And it's, it's been it's been like, once it's, you know, been embraced for myself. Like, I've had so much fun making fun of New Age shit ever since. Oh, my gosh. It's like one of my favorite things of the world. Little triggering for some people, but it's so much fun. It's,
Paige Farrin 29:17
it's interesting. It's interesting is I do look around people like, oh, man, I used to do that. I used to like, I thought that I was taking responsibility. I thought I was addressing things and I looked around like, oh my gosh, I used to really turn I had all these things. I used to not take responsibility for my life. And I don't know. Yeah.
Seth Pearson 29:35
Amazing. And so, you know, with all of these healings, initiations where you are right now, of course, it's like, you're on the path. You're moving forward. Like it's only gonna get better from here like incredible. You used to have these days where it's like, hundreds of flashbacks instead of like, over 100 flashbacks, like debilitating like, and like I'm sure like anxiety and depression and just being like, in just like the midst of chaos. Well, It's a day in the life now. Yeah. Oh, so
Paige Farrin 30:03
it's I've been actually reflecting on that two day in my life. I actually went back to finish my degree this last year, I'm finishing my mechanical engineering degree at Northeastern University. I am also in advanced Kabbalah Kabbalah for Cabalists, which I recommend to everyone to do Kabbalah, I have actually never found a single system on this planet. And again, I've tried many, many, many to profoundly change your life in that short amount of time. I yeah, I live an amazing apartment by the beach in Massachusetts, I get up I do a bunch of my energy balancing for the day. And I really take a couple hours to really center myself and meal prep and I go to school and I interact with people and I don't even I there's days and weeks straight where I don't even think about my trauma anymore. Which telling telling me tell 2018 me that even you know, I mean, there was a point where my flashbacks were literally non backed, backed back just like cascaded them they would have those days, I think the longest I was like 10 days straight without a break, like literally didn't sleep couldn't eat couldn't completely. Wow, inundated with with flashbacks and nightmares and trauma, and I didn't have a life. I mean, I spent most of my 20s I didn't have a life, I was barely surviving, if, at best, you know, to a place where I, I came to have my life back because I don't have ever really had, like truly living. But I have a way where I, my I feel stillness in myself in a way that I never experienced, I feel a safety in my being and in relationships and in, in life in a groundedness I never had before that. And you know, I have my clinical trauma special certification and that I did last year. And I remember learning in it that like, like, if someone in my place that has that severe of trauma, which is one of the more severe ends of the spectrum of PTSD, like, can reach where I am today. I truly it's possible for anyone I think, and I and I, I event is this gonna reach to the people that that are going through that just know, it's possible to know, it's possible to actually truly fundamentally heal PTSD, it's possible to have a life that you want to wake up to, like there's I was like surviving every second to a place where I'm like, I love waking up, I genuinely feel happy with where I am and who I am. And I'm still growing, I'm still, you know, continuing on. And but that is absolutely possible.
Seth Pearson 32:42
Beautiful, beautiful. I so relate to so much of what you're saying. And especially that that experience of waking up, I think post RM 1, that's the thing that I that I mentioned to a lot of people as I would say, I wake up and my mind is just so clear. And it's like the default, instead of like, maybe like going into fear or like, oh, I should do enough things that I you know, feel good today kind of a thing. I'm just like, oh, another day? Oh how great is that?! Amazing!
Paige Farrin 33:14
Yeah, I remember I was talking to somebody recently. I think for me, it's the fact that like,
I genuinely, I remember, like I used to make decisions back when I was younger, like if I live today, great. If I die great. Like I was very like whatever I'm here's how I'm experienced whatever happens, happens, whatever, right? A little bit too much of the Yolo thing. And I I actually live in place now that I value my life, I genuinely want to be alive. And I think that's hard for a lot of people to think and when you look at the state of the world, but it really is what you create a bit. And it really is. Yes, there's things in the world that need to be changed. And both starts by changing your life. So you're in a place that you can help. And I genuinely value my life and treat my life in a way where I make decisions that will like benefit myself and my community. I make decisions from a place that I want to protect and love and support my life versus just survive it versus just fucking mentality. Right? I very much like and I think that's what really profoundly has. It wasn't just kind of get through. It's like I actually want to protect and support and grow my life.
Seth Pearson 34:30
Beautiful. Gosh, people's minds are just sufficiently blown at this point. I think our beautiful audience would say it's like
yes Paige, yes thank you!
and is there before before we leave before we depart for the day?
What are some other things that you think people should know? Is there anything else
Paige Farrin 35:01
he allowed his mind to be blown, allow your like to when you, you know these things, these offerings in these healings in these classes are available to anyone, luckily, gratefully, but like, allow the doubt to be there. And also give yourself an opportunity because, you know, if whatever you want to do in your life, commit to it, like for me, it was healing, it was like I, you know, I want to be on this planet, and I'm willing to do it the way I was, I was unwilling to continue doing that seven years and that state of survival. So what do I need, and I was like, willing to try anything. And when I tried this, and I allowed my mind to be blown, I allowed my mind to let to like, let go of the trying to figure it out for a second, I opened up potential for actually what I really wanted to and, and the one thing I can say to, again, is as cliche as might be, if there's a will, there's a way, if you want that thing in your life, if you want that, well for me, it was healing for me, it was like I want this life, I want this life where I feel stable and secure and safe and whatever. And that was my I'm not gonna stop to like get it. And what we're, whether it's the job or the career or the money or whatever it is for you. If you really want it there Absolutely. As a way to get it and allow in. Don't stop till you do I guess. And there's there's tools out there to create it that make it a lot easier.
Seth Pearson 36:22
I have absolutely well paid. Thank you so much for joining us today. This is huge. This is a big milestone for this podcast to come back online. As in this new iteration. It was like it was time it's it. It was that there was this period of time where where it was like kind of like hibernation of there's so much there was so many changes going on in my life. And I was like, ah, like even, like who don't even start bringing on onto this podcast. And now it's so much clearer of this is this is how we talk about the magic. This is how I talk about previous, you know, kind of topics in my life that people they understood. They like at this point that people understood said, Oh, MDMA, psychedelics, yes, like progression, like, love yourself. But it's like, now we're doing it a little differently. And it's Yeah, better this time. I
Paige Farrin 37:12
love that. I love that. And it's also you know, you've been going through all this change as well. And it's, I think that sometimes you got hibernation to like, re rebirth yourself.
Seth Pearson 37:19
Exactly. Exactly. If anyone out there listening that it's like, Oh, I'll learn about more about the modern Mystery School. What's about this Life Activation? What's about this Empower thyself? Give it a look at this Ritual Master Path What is this? You go to modernmysteryschoolint.com I think it's maybe Modern Mystery School, International INT. Or, you can also look up page and eyes, Facebook pages, or Instagram pages, or whatever, because we can if if you're not in our area, sometimes we can fly to you or we can send you to someone else. Like that's the beauty of this lineage is that there's people worldwide, ready to assist and, you know, help you build a life that is just absolutely magical and unbelievably fantastic.
Paige Farrin 38:08
if you have that vision in your mind of the life you want, it's there for a reason. And it's absolutely possible for you. I just want to say that it's absolutely possible.
Seth Pearson 38:20
Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Till next time, everyone, love yourselves out there!